So, we've come to the unfortunate realization that we have to sell the farm & move closer to town. Being head chef extraordinaire to
Tupelo Honey Cafe is taking up a lot of Brian's time & Jack is taking up a surprising (?!) amount of my time. We've weighed the pros and cons, crunched the numbers, called the people who could help & made the really tough decision to cut our losses (emotional & financial) and move back to
So now what? Well, find a real estate agent (check), slap a new coat of paint on 'er (check), fix all the stuff we could've lived with being broken- but are really happy to have fixed (check) and get rid of all our clutter (er, well, I'm still working on this one- it looks a lot better already though!!).
We're still planting a "garden" this year- already have tomatoes (over 200), bush beans,
cukes, candy roaster squash, lots of greens & lettuces, pumpkins...the list goes on. We're hoping that the type of person who'd buy this place will be impressed with moving into a
working farm with a
working garden. And, if it comes to pass that we haven't sold by harvest time, we'll be pretty glad for the "extra" income.
We also plan to continue the "You-Pick Blueberry Farm" this year! So, come mid-July when ya'll get a hankerin' for some blueberries fresh off the bush, you know who to call!
I tell you, I hope I manage to ride out this manic phase I seem to be in 'till we get this farm sold. Keeping the house and
farm in show-ready condition at all times might drive me insane. So far, it's been working out okay to vacuum twice (or more) a day, keep the "yard" mowed & weeded- have I mentioned this is an organic operation, so weeding means by hand or with weed-eater. No Round Up for this job! And plant the plants & keep them watered- what's up with no rain in the Cane River Hamlet this spring?? Truth be told, it's kinda nice- the place really does look great right now! I think I'm kind of feeding of my own energy. Lets just hope it lasts! Maybe blogging about all the impending change will be helpful.
Oh, and Jack's still just as cute as ever!
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